1 February (I think)
Today is Sunday, but it’s supposed to be Sat. We cruised over a magical golden line in the ocean, so called because both the International Date Line and equator meet there…. At noon yesterday and poof gone was a day never to return!
So due to this and so many other time changes we are not sure what time of day it is in the states. We are right on schedule, had a nice time in Hilo, since we had previously seen all of the major attractions there we walked to Liliuokalani Park just a mile from where we docked. IT was a lovely Japanese themed garden with many Japanese lanterns, red bridges, ponds, toril’s and tea house.
IT was right on Hilo Bay so we walked out to Coconut Island as well. Could see the ship from there. That afternoon a Hawaiian group, mostly members of a family entertained us prior to our departure, hula, songs etc but I was entranced by the lead singers voice. Emma has always been my favourite Hawaiian voculaist, but this woman was something else. The way her voice floated from one not and type of vocal impression to another was lovely, still trying to find out who she is.
From Hilo we went to Honolulu, again have seen the sights there but never been to the Arizona monument. When flying so much incountry while on air evac did not think I could emotionally handle that as well – it was an emotional experience for me, but was glad I finally did it. And yes the oil is still seeping up form the ship. We thought we would be brave and take the bus, which we did and it was quite an experience. Some characters on the bus, but we got everywhere we wanted to go quiet efficiently. We also went to Waikiki, wanted to see the Hale Koa Hotel there at Ft DeRussy. Quite nice and expensive for a military Hotel, of course, occupancy based on rank and room. We were docked right at the Aloha Tower. I was utterly amazed at the changes since I was there last. It is now a huge city of sky scrapers and huge condo complexes everywhere. It was a Sunday so the beach was packed. Had lunch at the hotel. Entertainment on the ship has been excellent, so far my favourites as mentioned and a flautist (Canadian) was superb, and an Aussie vocalist was very good. Cannot remember all of them. We have had lots of formal and formal-formal nights. We’ve been good and attended. I wall 4 miles very AM and ME treadmills (excitement yesterday one of the women – tons walk every day – tripped on one of the deck chairs and went down hard. Interestingly I was there as was a MD, so we checked her out and I went with her to her room – she did not want her husband to know she fell, so left her at the door, but told her she should probably check into the clinic and found out later she did.) BUT – our intake is more than the exercise. Food selection and preparation has been excellent. Activities are so many and varied, that once cannot do all of what you want. Today I tried Tai Chi which I have always wanted to do, and looked like a fish flopping out of water. Nini (my sister) just love it so and was quiet advanced did not realize the movements were so exacting. Have one more day at sea (now a total of 7 on this leg) before hitting Vanuatu which should be beautiful. ME has had a bad cold and was in bed all day two days ago. Up yesterday but back in bed today. (Truthfully, think she is enjoying the book she is reading!) will try to have more trip info next time and will also try some pics. Thought we had computer classes on board, but we do not, but have a computer person to help us who is just excellent – redhead Irish girl or so I think, her name is Kelly! Oh yes, all of our dinner mates are single or widowers. Have never seen so many motorized wheel chairs and walkers, and we are some of the few who do not take AT LEAST on world cruise a year – pretty amazing huh?